Friday, October 24, 2014

Painted Mason Jar Candle (continued)

With all the experimenting I have been doing with my candles in the past week, I thought it was time to test a painted mason jar candle. I have had this worried feeling stuck in my head about acrylic paint and the possibility of it being flammable (I wasn't concerned with the ModPodge sealer I use to seal the paint, as I know for a fact it is water-based). You would not believe how much I have researched acrylic paint in the past month!
 So, I had to ease my mind and try one out for myself! 
I chose Lemongrass & Lime, which is one of the first painted mason jar candles I made about a month ago, and I have to say I am very pleased with this candle! I already loved the scent, and even after blowing it out about an hour ago that scent is still lingering in this room!! I loved how the light from the flame illuminated the painted jar!! 

It was beautiful, in my opinion!

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